Can micropigmentation go wrong?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Yes, scalp micropigmentation can go wrong for various reasons. It is important to pay attention to all of the factors that help SMP become a star of the cosmetic hair restoration techniques. However, if those factors are not paid attention to, the procedure can go seriously wrong. Let’s explore the causes and see how to fix the problem too.

Untrained technician

First things first. SMP practitioner is the most important person on the whole project of micropigmentation. It’s their skills, expertise, and knowledge that can make or mar a scalp project. For example, if the scalp artist isn't properly trained, you cannot expect a wow experience after the procedure. Trust experts that have a certificate course, skills, and expertise to deliver results. avoid falling into the trap of tattoo artists, who are not the right choice for SMP.


Well, an untrained or unskilled tattoo artist is not aware of the right depth for pigment implantation. Remember, the depth for both body art and SMP is different. While the former is implanted at a deeper level, SMP stays at the upper part of the second skin layer. Imagine SMP being implanted at the same depth as body art!! It will result in migration or blurring or discoloration of the ink. That will make your SMP look fake.

Bad quality Pigment

The quality of scalp micropigmentation pigment is crucial. You cannot expect tattoo ink to do the job of SMP pigment. Both are different in terms of quality. Tattoo ink is prone to going blue. SMP ink must stay the same year after year. The best quality SMP ink is HD pigment, which does not blur or migrate. There is no risk of discoloration either.

DermMicro deals in the best quality scalp micropigmentation inks. Their variety of pigment is designed for different skin types. So the SMP technician does not need to dilute the same to get a matching color. There’s an alternative for each skin color with DM.

Tattoo gun & needles are not meant for SMP

Some SMP procedures go wrong when the artist uses tattoo gun in place of specialized SMP pen. Scalp micropigmentation is a different procedure from tattoo art and requires the right training to produce natural-looking results. similarly, tattoo needles are bigger in size than SMP needles. The best SMP technician uses microneedles for scalp micropigmentation to create the best results for clients.

The goal is to create dots that mimic hair follicles so the needle size matters significantly. Tattoo needles are the worst choices for SMP and the procedure will look botched right away.

Unless the procedure is done by a reliable and experienced scalp technician, you can expect large dots that are way too dark in color. The result could be patchy, botched, and unnatural.

Finding the right SMP practitioner is the right way to go. Make sure you ask them a series of questions to clear away your doubts and find the type of tools they use. The right SMP technicians use the best scalp micropigmentation products to create desirable and natural results.

Order all types of quality SMP tools on DermMicro website.


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