Can SMP Go Wrong?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Yes and no. Yes, scalp micropigmentation can go wrong due to various reasons. Wrong products can make the procedure look fake. The size of needles matters the most in scalp micropigmentation and can ruin the results if a wrong size is chosen. First things first, your choice of SMP practitioner will play a crucial role in the treatment result. If you choose a tattoo artist for the job, you can expect a bad end result. Choosing a skilled SMP technician with experience in scalp micropigmentation and access to the best quality SMP products is the right way to go.

What can go wrong with SMP?

Well, the lack of experience can hurt your scalp micropigmentation dreams. In many cases, it could be the end of your SMP journey, as many clients get so upset with their first experience that they never want to do it again. However, the sad reality is that it is their choice of scalp artist that landed them in such a situation with negative results. tattoo artists are not familiar with the type of tools needed for a specialized skill like scalp micropigmentation.

They tend to use body art tools for scalp pigment as well. That proves devastating for the client’s SMP dreams. For example, tattoo uses a thick needle whereas SMP is done with a micro-sized needle. The goal behind using such a micro size of needle is to create dots of the size of hair follicles, which are minute in size. Unfortunately, tattoo artists think that the process is just like a tattoo and do not hesitate to use wrong needles and ink. Using a tattoo needle here results in big dots that look fake.

Besides, using tattoo ink results in discoloration and the ink is more likely to turn blue within a short period of time.

Choosing a skilled technician will be a game changing experience that won’t bring you bad SMP results.

Why the choice of SMP Artist Matters

Scalp micropigmentation is not an easy job. It requires skills and expertise and knowledge of human scalp anatomy and skin. Depositing the ink too deep can prove disastrous for SMP clients. That is why you need a skilled scalp artist for the job, who uses the best SMP products.

What type of needle is used in SMP?

Many skilled SMP practitioners use a 3-point microneedle for scalp micropigmentation to deposit pigment about 1.5 to 2 mm deep. What’s so special about this needle? Well, it is 75% smaller than the one used for tattoo. The micro size of the needle lowers the risk of pain as well. Skilled SMP professionals always suggest not going too deep with scalp micropigmentation as that could result in pigment discoloration and fading.

The depth of needle may vary anywhere between 0.3 and 1.2 mm.

DermMicro HD Needles are the best SMP needles on the market that have a superior taper configuration, resulting in finer and darker impressions. Their unique tight configuration ensures no damage to the skin in addition to less blood loss.

If you plan to buy DM high-density needles, you can easily order them on DermMicro website.

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