Does SMP Work With Long Hair?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Scalp micropigmentation was first developed for clients with thinning hair or pattern but today, it has evolved into a hair restoration solution that can accurately mimic the look of long hair. The goal of scalp micropigmentation is to cover scalp problems. Let’s see how it works.

Restoration of a full head of hair

Scalp micropigmentation is the right solution for those looking for restoring their hairline to create the appearance of fullness and density. This way, SMP can fill out gaps due to hair loss.

Now some people often wonder if SMP damages existing follicles. The reality is different. It does not cause any harm to existing hair. In fact, it depends a lot on the quality of pigments used. High-quality SMP ink is formulated with natural ingredients that do not harm the skin and are completely safe for the skin and follicles. Chemical pigments or tattoo inks do not work for scalp micropigmentation. They may fade or discolor and even cause allergic reactions.

Besides, some pigments require dilution. There are others that do not need to be diluted at all. They are meant for use as is. The result with such pigments lasts several years without fading. Top-quality pigments retain their hue and saturation, unlike tattoo ink that has the risk of heavy metal. SMP ink is strategically deposited into the scalp to recreate the look of follicles. The placement of scalp micropigmentation is also different from that of tattoo ink. While tattoo artists inject the ink deeper, SMP pigment is deposited into the second layer. Tattoo ink can easily fade if used for scalp micropigmentation under the impact of sun’s rays.

But how to find out the best SMP ink?

True, when the market is flooded with all kinds of tattoo inks and scalp micropigmentation pigments, it is tough to find the best quality product. Luckily, DermMicro has come up with HD pigments that are made using Keratin and organic colors to give the natural look of hair stubble. The pigment comes with a guarantee of stability and durability. DM clients find out that the ink does not migrate, blur, or change color.

What’s more, it is possible to get more points with HD pigments that don’t get blue over time. The pigments are available for specific colors and skin types. For example,

Pigment C is meant for Caucasians. The ink works best for those with red, white, brown, and blonde hair. There is Pigment M that is especially meant for Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Italian, Spanish, Greek, and Native American people.

For Indians and Africans, DermMicro has formulated Pigment HD-B.

Do the end results look natural?

When performed by a skilled SMP practitioner with experience of working on similar scalp problems, SMP provides realistic results. with the right tools and pigment, they can make the treatment look real, which is indiscernible to the naked eye. The best scalp artist is familiar with the right type of pigment and uses it to create solid results that look natural.

If you are looking for the ultimate HD pigment for scalp micropigmentation, order it on the DM website.

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