How Long Does SMP Last?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

If you plan to do scalp micropigmentation, then you are certainly worrying about its effectiveness and durability. SMP is trending as a non-invasive hair restoration procedure that addresses scalp problems. These may include thinning hair, receding hairline, pattern baldness, or hair loss. Done by the best scalp experts, SMP takes care of these issues and makes your head look full.  SMP practitioners create micro dots or tiny layered dots that give your hair the look of more depth. With these black dots, your hair looks more defined. Now let’s come to the actual question: how long do the results last?

Is SMP Durable?

If you are opting for scalp micropigmentation to stop hair loss, then it is not meant for that. SMP is the process to apply pigments in the form of dots to your scalp that mimic the look of follicles.

There are numerous factors that decide the longevity or durability of the results. typically, the results are expected to last six years. Different factors that determine the efficacy of the procedure include:

  • The experience and skills of the SMP artist
  • How it was performed
  • Scalp aftercare
  • Type and quality of products used

Good quality ink will retain its color for a long time, provided you follow SMP aftercare instructions following the procedure. It is also important that the scalp artist places the ink at the right depth, where there is no risk of migration, blurring, or discoloration. Although there might be some amount of fading after the initial session. You don’t need to worry about it, as it is completely normal. The actual result should be apparent after the completion of the treatment.

Why does SMP Fade?

The pigment might fade, depending on the body’s response, quality of the ink used, and expertise of the scalp artist. A little fading is natural and should not be alarming. But unless the SMP practitioner uses top-quality pigment for the procedure, you might not see the right results. good quality SMP ink does not fade easily or blur. For example, high density DermMicro pigments, which are formulated with natural colors and ingredients. These pigments are the absolute best in the industry and require no dilution, unlike tons of products out there that must be diluted before use to get the color match right.

But DM inks are designed to leave a fine, darker, and lasting impression that creates the look of actual follicles and does not blur.

Besides, the type of needles used determine the quality of dots. Unless a scalp practitioner uses microneedles designed especially for scalp micropigmentation, they cannot replicate the look of real follicles. Imagine the look of bigger dots on your scalp. Does not sound good, right? Bigger darker dots cannot replace the actual follicles, which are micro in size. With such treatment, you won’t ever be happy with the result. The treatment might appear fake.

The treatment can last for years when the best products are used and with proper SMP aftercare.

DM HD pigments last for years. When HD needles and pigments work together, they create finer and darker impressions. HD needles have a superior taper configuration that ensures that maximum pigment enters the skin per Follicle, when compared with other needles.

Place your order for the best-quality SMP pigments on DermMicro website today. 


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