News — aftercare

SMP Aftercare and Healing

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) offers a non-surgical solution for hair loss, creating a realistic illusion of thicker hair. However, achieving optimal results requires proper aftercare during the healing stages. Here's a breakdown of the typical healing process, focusing on the key stages: Immediately After SMP (Day 1-2): Redness and Sensitivity The scalp might appear red and slightly swollen due to the microneedling process. This is normal and should subside within a few days. Slight Discharge A small amount of clear or yellowish discharge might be present. This is the body's natural way of cleaning the area. Avoid picking or scratching at...

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SMP Aftercare: Are Cleaning and Moisturizing Crucial?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) is a non-surgical hair loss solution for a receding hairline, thinning hair, or baldness. Proper SMP aftercare is crucial for optimal results and a smooth healing process. This includes meticulous cleaning, gentle maintenance, and addressing concerns like post-procedure shine for a natural, healthy-looking scalp. The Importance of chemical-free Cleaning The initial days following your SMP procedure are critical for proper healing. During this time, your scalp will be particularly sensitive, and harsh chemicals or abrasive cleansing methods can disrupt the healing process and compromise the pigment. Gentle cleaning is the right way to take care of your...

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Hair Powder: A Temporary Solution for Scalp Shine

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

For people with shaved heads or those who have undergone Scalp Micropigmentation, a shining scalp is not always a welcome scene. It can detract from the desired natural, textured appearance of a shaved head or make the micropigmentation appear less realistic. You never want to have that experience, right? When looking for a solution to remove shine, you might come across highly advertised hair powders. Are they effective at hiding scalp shine? Well, hair powders offer a temporary solution for reducing head shine and achieving a more matte finish. What is Hair Powder? Hair powder is a finely milled, colored...

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Scalp Micropigmentation Aftercare: A Recipe for Long-Lasting Results

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Scalp micropigmentation has emerged as a revolutionary technique for those seeking to reclaim their confidence in the face of hair loss. This innovative procedure utilizes tiny pigment deposits to create the illusion of a shaved head or add density to thinning hair. While the actual SMP treatment itself holds immense significance, achieving optimal results and ensuring the longevity of your new hair hinges on proper aftercare. Here's where cleaning and moisturizing become the essential ingredients in your recipe for long-lasting SMP success. Why Cleaning Matters Following an SMP treatment, your scalp embarks on a delicate healing journey. Micropigmentation creates tiny...

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Home Remedies To Deal with a Greasy Scalp

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

A shiny scalp, often caused by excess oil production, can be a source of frustration for many people. It can not only affect your appearance but also lead to feelings of self-consciousness and a desire to find solutions. Let's delve deeper into the causes of a greasy scalp, explore some popular home remedies and see if they actually work to reduce scalp shine. Why Your Scalp Gets Greasy? There is not one cause of a shiny scalp but several factors might contribute to making your head greasy. A scalp looks shiny especially if there are no head on hair to...

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