Why is My Scalp Shining?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Whether you have had scalp micropigmentation or not, scalp shine is a problem for many youths. In fact, some see a shiny head as a problem while others do not. Since that shine on your scalp is a result of natural oil production, there is nothing to feel shameful about. However, a shiny SMP scalp may not appeal to you. Yes, you are not alone. Many others are like you and look for ways to mattify their scalp.

Why does scalp shine?

A scalp is shiny because of the oil produced from sebaceous glands. The glands are found all over your skin. Your scalp has many such glands that secrete oil. This oil coats the skin and your scalp shines when light reflects on it. It’s as simple as that. Additionally, the porosity of hair depends on the cuticle. When there is no hair on the cuticle, it is more likely to reflect light and thus look shiny.

Are bald heads naturally shiny?

Scalp shines more when it has little hair growth. Shine on your bald head is the result of excess sebum production. Sebaceous glands that are embedded close to hair follicles secrete oil. This oil is responsible for that scalp shine.

How to mattify a shiny SMP scalp?

There are ways to reduce shine from the scalp.

  1. No doubt, cleansing is an important part of the hair/scalp care regime. Your scalp might appear to be an oily mess when it is dirty. It is here that a daily scalp care regime becomes important. Use a gentle scrub or mild soap to clean it up. However, do not press the scrub too hard as that might ruin your SMP treatment.
  2. Using an oil-free moisturizer is a good idea to reduce head shine after scalp micropigmentation. Apply a quality moisturizer that can protect your skin from dryness. However, look for one with mattifying effects. An oily moisturizer will not solve your problem though.
  3. Safeguarding your scalp from harsh ultraviolet rays of the sun is crucial to protecting SMP treatment. It will also help reduce scalp shine as sweat can stimulate more oil production. This is something you want to avoid. So make it a point to slather a good quality sunblock with SPF 30+ before stepping out. You also want to make sure it is oil-free.
  4. Sweat is important to protect the skin from bacteria. But sweat can make your scalp shine more. If you hit the gym frequently, your scalp may look shinier. Keep a packet of wet wipes handy to clear off sweat. A matte powder may also come in handy here. But you may need to apply it again and again as it wears off easily due to sweat.
  5. Shaving will help keep your SMP results the same for a long time. But a shaved head may shine more. Try shaving in the direction of growth. This results in a grainy effect that absorbs light and thus reduces scalp shine.

Why go for zero shine?

Now if you are wondering whether there is an all-purpose moisturizer that works as a sunscreen, moisturizes your scalp, and mattifies it, then look no further than Zero Shine. It is a revolutionary product to reduce shine on your scalp. In fact, a tiny bit of the moisturizer works for at least 24 hours even if you sweat. It is waterproof and easy to apply. Go for it today. Order Zero Shine on DM website.

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