Can you go in the sun with SMP?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Well, if you have recently had scalp micropigmentation, there is a strong reason why your scalp artist asks you to keep away from the sun. Sunlight can ruin the result you seek from SMP. In fact, direct rays of the sun can play havoc with the pigment. No doubt, there’s nothing like a sunny day on the beach. But you want to refrain from exposure to the sun to prevent scalp micropigmentation fading. So how to go about sun protection during SMP?

Sun Protection During SMP

Proper healing of the scalp will ensure a long-lasting SMP experience that you will be proud of. So in order to enjoy a great experience, you must stay away from the sun for at least one and a half weeks during the procedure. Your skin is still in the healing process, so allow it to heal fully. The reason is that you don’t want to sweat out too much by exposing yourself to sunlight or even refrain from physical activities that exhaust you and make you sweat. You should even avoid steam rooms and sauna. Yes, this includes swimming as well. You don’t want water microorganisms to infect the wounds.

It is advisable not to use alcohol-containing products that can negatively affect the pigment. Equally important is to avoid scrubbing your head and prevent exposure to the sun, which threatens to fade SMP pigment.

Don’t step out without wearing a hat or slathering sunblock cream. If you want protect your scalp from UV rays, it’s time to invest in a good quality SPF 30+ sunscreen. DermMicro has launched the best sunscreen for SMP. The product, Zero Shine +SPF, is a sun block sunscreen. It is the most mattifying sunscreen in the world, which starts to deliver results almost immediately. The all-natural waterproof formulation has excellent moisturizing properties.

What's So Special About Zero Shine +SPF

It skin-protective properties makes Zero Shine +SPF a perfect addition to your SMP aftercare kit, which not only shields the scalp from harmful UV rays but also help reduce shine. Moisturizing your scalp will keep it from drying and help it look healthy.

What gives the DM SMP sunscreen an edge is its mattifying, moisturizing, and long-lasting properties. The product does not clog pores, unlike most sunscreen moisturizers that block pores and cause acne breakouts.

Easy to apply, the sunscreen never dries and keeps the skin hydrated without giving it that irritating shine you want to avoid. It is excellent at mattifying the scalp post-SMP and stays on until you want to get rid of it.

Order the best SMP sunscreen on the DermMicro website.

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