Does Human Scalp Produce Oil?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Yes, oil is naturally produced in the body by sebaceous gland. It is due to sebum that your hair become greasy quickly and that scalp shines. Some people produce more oil while others comparatively less. It all depends on lifestyle, hormonal production, hair type, and hygiene. While oil production is a good sign, too much of it can mar your looks. Remember, healthy hair produces sebum to hydrate the scalp and protect hair. Excess natural oil can make your head shine like a mirror.

Other Factors That Make Your Head Shiny

Touching your scalp frequently

Yes, you have read that correctly. If you love running a hand through your hair, you risk producing more oil. Rubbing your scalp frequently may encourage sebum production. By running your hand on your scalp, you tend to move the sebum around the hair, adding to the greasy look. But sebum is necessary for scalp health. It protects your hair and scalp and keeps them moisturized. What’s more, it shields your skin from outside elements as well as oxidative damage. Sebum plays a part in protecting the scalp from bacterial infections too.

Too much sweating

If you sweat a lot, your skin produces more sebum, making you head shine. Sweating prevents the oil from sliding down the follicle so instead of staying close to the scalp, it covers more hair. The excessive sebum buildup causes scalp problems. It can make the skin look greasy and oily that shines like crazy. When you have no hair on your scalp, it looks even shinier and grabs eyeballs.

Wipe clean your scalp every time you sweat to reduce shine.

Choose the right scalp care products

When you have undergone SMP and still troubled by the shiny head problem, you want to choose the right products that reduce shine while keeping the scalp moisturized.

While SMP is intended to create an illusion of hair, it is best to shave with the grain, leaving a few strands of hair that can absorb light and prevent it from bouncing off the scalp. Shaving with the grain can also prevent irritation of the scalp.

Daily care can help reduce shine by preventing oil from gathering on its surface. Additionally, if you are wondering how to reduce the problem of a shiny head, look for matte cleansers or moisturizers.

Matte products provide a matte effect and keep scalp shine away. You may want to avoid oil-based moisturizers, including sunscreens, which will lead to a shiny scalp. By investing in a high-quality mattifying moisturizer, you can overcome the problem of head shine.

What is the best anti-shine product?

Zero Shine from DermMicro is formulated to give you a pleasant experience of a no-shine look after shave. A little bit of the mattifying moisturizer is all you need to keep that head shine off. What’s more, Zero Shine is formulated with SPF 30, which gives you added protection from ultra violet radiation. Here’s the only product with a matte effect that you must get your hands on to keep that shiny head problem away.

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