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News — zero shine remover

Your Guide to Zero Shine Remover

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

If you have embraced a bald head, it might seem like an endless war to battle shine. When the sun glints off your dome or light bounces off the scalp, you might not be too happy with the look. Here’s when Zero Shine enters the game as an effective solution against a shiny head. The Shine Saga Why do you get scalp shine? Well, that unwanted gleam could be the result of environmental factors, natural scalp oils, and even leftover product residues. The head shine may continue despite scalp micropigmentation, especially when exposed to direct light, creating a disco ball...

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Scalp Shine is Unwelcome! Get Rid of It

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

The sight of baldness is unwelcome for you, and a shining scalp is more than unwelcome. So you are looking for ways to get rid of head shine. Here are a few home remedies to do so. Rinse the Scalp With Apple Cider Vinegar One product that can reduce scalp shine is here. The acidity in apple cider vinegar works on cell buildup on the skin and dissolves it. Generally, it is the cell buildup that causes an oil slick look. But if you have undergone scalp micropigmentation, you may want to avoid using vinegar on the scalp. It might...

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Are There Any Tried and Tested Ways To Reduce Scalp Shine?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Scalp shines when there are little to no hair. The story is the same with men who have had scalp micropigmentation for hair restoration. Although SMP creates the impression of a full head of hair but the scalp shines as the ink only mimics follicles and there is no hair to give a textured feel. A smooth scalp produces a mirror effect as there is no hair to counteract the shine. So what can be done to reduce shiny head appearance? Maintenance routine A shiny head results from a smooth scalp coupled with oil. SMP clients who shave their scalp...

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How Do You Get Rid of Zero Shine?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

So you have found the real deal to get rid of scalp shine. Of course, that shining head was always a big personality problem for you. Now that you have found the best mattifying solution for a shiny scalp, you want to know how to get rid of Zero Shine itself. People with scalp micropigmentation may not be too happy with their shining scalp. That’s where Zero Shine enters the game and helps them remove shine from their scalp. However, since it is waterproof, Zero Shine is not easy to remove. Let’s see what helps remove the mattifying solution. How...

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How Can I Protect My SMP From Fading in the Sun?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Now you are already aware of the damage ultraviolet rays can do to scalp micropigmentation. So you want to protect the treatment from sun exposure at any cost. Of course, avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight holds the key. But you cannot keep sitting inside the four corners of your abode to protect SMP. You have professional and personal commitments to fulfill. So if you need to step outside during peak hours, it’s better to use protection to keep UV rays from damaging the newly inked scalp. Sun exposure can adversely affect the appearance of your SMP. How To Protect SMP...

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