What Happens If You Sweat After Scalp Micropigmentation?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Can you sweat after scalp micropigmentation? This is one of the most common questions asked by SMP enthusiasts when they are told to avoid any activities that cause them to sweat following the procedure. Scalp experts share SMP aftercare tips for scalp artists to follow religiously after the procedure for best results. The idea is to refrain from doing any activity that causes you to sweat.

How long after scalp micropigmentation can I sweat?

As soon as you undergo the procedure after the first session, the scalp feels sensitive and you can ruin the results if the scalp comes in contact with water. It is important to avoid any physical activity that can make you sweat. Now why is sweating harmful to SMP?

Well, sweating can prevent proper healing of the scalp. That means you may want to avoid any such activity or stay away from the gym for a minimum of 4-5 days. This allows your scalp to heal fully so you can enjoy the results for a long time to come.

Does sweating affect micropigmentation?

Now you might be wondering what happens if you sweat SMP? Well, sweating it out in the gym or exercising hard in the park may make you feel amazing. However, if you are serious about your scalp micropigmentation results, you must avoid any activity that makes you sweat profusely.

Sweat can adversely affect the newly implanted pigment and cause pre-mature fading. It can damage the pigmentation and create results that you had never wanted.

What should you not do after micropigmentation?

Of course, you should not indulge in rigorous exercises or soak in the sun for longer hours. In fact, you should stay away from any sweat-producing activity. Now you might ask: Can you go in the sun with SMP?

Well, exposing your scalp directly to the sun is not the best decision. Rather, it might be the worst decision of a lifetime. It could cause an accelerated fading of your treatment. Ideally, SMP ink does not fade quickly if you have got the best hands to work on your scalp.

Since you want to preserve your new pigment, you can look for quality aftercare products to enjoy the treatment results for a long period. Ultraviolet rays can cause your tattoo to fade. In that case, SMP will not look good on your scalp.

Cover your scalp by wearing a hat that avoids direct exposure to ultra violet rays.

Can I go Swimming after SMP?

No. Chlorine and saltwater are not the best combination for your newly inked scalp. They can affect the healing process.

Once the scalp has healed fully after 30 days, you will never have to worry about it again if you have followed SMP aftercare tips carefully.

Unless your SMP heals, avoid hiking, sunbathing, swimming, working out, or exercising. After your scalp has healed, you can go back to sweating the normal way while retaining the beauty of scalp micropigmentation.

If you are looking for the best aftercare products, DM has got you covered. There is an aftercare package for clients with newly inked scalps. The complete kit prevents itching and irritation and soothes the skin. What more could you ask for? Place your order now!

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