Does Sun Affect SMP?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

No doubt, scalp micropigmentation is one of the most effective, quickest, and long-lasting hair restoration treatments available. It is also known to be permanent. But the sun can damage the pigment, especially when SMP is fresh.

The more the sun exposure, the faster the fading. Why does sun affect scalp micropigmentation?

Well, SMP is a surface level tattoo, which is just beneath the top layer of the skin. As a result, too much direct exposure to the sun can result in quick fading of the ink. Typically, the treatment results can easily last 5-10 years if SMP aftercare protocol is followed.  With regular touch-ups, the treatment can last a lifetime.

Why protect scalp from sun?

When it comes to SMP, sun exposure can result in quicker fading of the pigment that is otherwise meant to last a long time. While this isn't something very serious, the only problem is that you may need to see your scalp artist more often. The more the visits to the SMP clinic, the more expensive the treatment.

How to protect SMP from sun?

Investing in a quality sunscreen with at least SPF 40 can help. Prevent the scalp from drying as that may result in fading. It is here that you can choose an organic moisturizer especially meant for scalp micropigmentation to hydrate the scalp and protect it when you are in the sun. By keeping your scalp moisturized and shielded from harmful solar rays is a priority, and you cannot ignore it for the longevity of SMP results.

Where to find the best SMP products?

Everything that glitters is not gold. Similarly, everyone seems to make tall claims about their SMP products but not every product is the same nor does it give the similar benefits.

When you are struggling to find the right SMP aftercare products, trust the ones from DermMicro. A pioneer in scalp micropigmentation, DM has revolutionized the SMP industry with its path-breaking products that do exactly what they promise.

Zero Shine is one such product that you cannot ignore in your SMP aftercare regime. While the product acts as a moisturizer, it is actually formulated to mattify your scalp shine. That means you kill two birds in one stone – kill the shine and dryness. What’s more, you need a pint size of the moisturizer to work on scalp shine, and the mattifier will provide coverage from sun as well. The non-sticky yet ultra-hydrating formulation is a game-changer in the world of SMP and is touted to be the #1 anti-shine formula available for scalp micropigmentation clients.

Say good-bye to that shinning head problem as you welcome Zero Shine. It does not clog pores, is not greasy, is washable and waterproof. What’s more, it is available in different packages, from a small packet of 90 grams that can easily last 3-5 months to a large 6 Oz package.

With Zero Shine, you no longer need to fear the sun too. Now you can easily preserve your scalp micropigmentation treatment while getting rid of the shiny head problem with Zero Shine.

Order the chemical-free mattifying treatment today on DM website.

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