
What products to use for bald shiny head?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

A bald head could be your own choice or the result of pattern baldness. Some men prefer a bald scalp, which is easy to maintain. But a bald head looks shiny too. Not all men appreciate this fact. So you might be looking for products to make a bald head less shiny. Moisturizer You have a shiny bald head due to the natural oil production by sebaceous glands. While natural oil is essential to healthy skin, too much of oil secretion might make your scalp shine like mirror. Ultimately it becomes a piece of attraction as it shines more. Hair...

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How To Know If You Are Going Bald?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

If you wish to know whether you are going bald, there are a few hair loss symptoms to keep your eyes on. What are these symptoms? Hair loss is hereditary you are more likely to be a victim of hair loss if it runs in the family. Men whose father is bald or has been a victim of pattern baldness is also at a risk. Even if it is your mom, who has experienced badness, you too might be a victim. That means you are more likely to inherit baldness from either of your parents. That means you must learn...

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Can micropigmentation go wrong?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Yes, scalp micropigmentation can go wrong for various reasons. It is important to pay attention to all of the factors that help SMP become a star of the cosmetic hair restoration techniques. However, if those factors are not paid attention to, the procedure can go seriously wrong. Let’s explore the causes and see how to fix the problem too. Untrained technician First things first. SMP practitioner is the most important person on the whole project of micropigmentation. It’s their skills, expertise, and knowledge that can make or mar a scalp project. For example, if the scalp artist isn't properly trained,...

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Does Shiny Scalp Mean Permanent Hair Loss?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

Bald people usually have shiny scalps. You might wonder if a shiny scalp points to permanent hair loss. well, a bald scalp appears shiny due to sebum production. Sebaceous gland in your body is continuously producing oil or sebum to keep the skin from drying. A person with hair does not have a shiny scalp as the shine hides beneath the hair. A bald scalp shines through and may indicate permanent hair loss. A Little About Sebaceous Glands Naturally produced sebum is necessary for the skin as it prevents it from drying out. However, too much can make the scalp...

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Can Scalp Micropigmentation Go Wrong?

Posted by Mary Shoufield on

​SMP has numerous advantages for people struggling with scalp issues. But there are a few disadvantages too. The demerits cannot be blamed on the procedure but the person who performs the job. SMP can go wrong if the scalp artist is inexperienced and unskilled in scalp micropigmentation. Additionally, SMP can go bad if the scalp technician does not use the right equipment and tools for the procedure. This causes serious issues with the final outcome. When a scalp artist uses wrong pen for the job, it can cause all sorts of problems with the end result, from bigger dots that...

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